5 ideas for a “lazy” family spring break
Often, it's the simplest family moments that stick in our minds. Discover some ideas for activities to do during spring break that might make you nostalgic!
1. Nostalgia and laughter
Do you remember when your parents used to get out photo albums, slides and old VHS tapes? Come on, let's go back in time! I'm 100% sure that kids will l-o-v-e seeing you with pink hair and ripped jeans.
2. Spatula licking
A memory we probably all have in common; stuffing ourselves with leftover cookie dough. Yum! We plan meals for the week ( ideas here ) and promote the most restless ones to the position of kitchen assistant! It's an activity that helps develop self-confidence, creativity and motor skills. In fact, Atelier Saint-Cerf offers a wooden knife made for young children!

3. Find the child in yourself
How? By giving the little ones the chance to decide on the activity. A hut with blankets, playing hide-and-seek, improvisation, etc. Let them manage you for an evening!
4. Creative activities
We take out the pencils, paint, modeling clay or we collect old magazines to create a "vision board"! If you prefer the practical-practical, we suggest our workshop boxes of candles and/or soaps !
Want to take it a little more relaxed? Do you know the 400 blows ? A must, this publishing house devotes its efforts entirely to children's literature!
5. Go out for some fresh air
Well yes, it's simple! We go to the local park to slide, skate, build a snowman or we visit a Sepaq park where it's free for those 17 and under!
So, what do you think? Do you think it's possible to have a simple week off?