The company

Welcome to Atelier Tonic! We are passionate about projects that have started making natural and vegan products to improve the well-being of the people around them.

The little story

Tonic, the beginnings

a little bit of the way

Tonic is growing

A little higher, a little further

Tonic to the future

Come see what's cooking!

The faces of the tonic workshop


Aka the eternal pirate, Andy loves nature adventures, being with beautiful humans and making really strange drawings. If you ask her, she will surely make you one! A tireless smile and always helping someone, she is the pro of surprise parties! Questions about plants and places to discover, she is the one to ask.


Aka the Chef. Audrey has a great deal of experience in vegan cuisine, her sense of organization and dedication knock us off our feet! A music lover, you will surely hear her singing when you enter the store.


Aka the encyclopedia. Jojo is the friend who came to help out and who stays with the team year after year. Half linguist and half sailor, ask him what he's interested in right now, you'll definitely be surprised!


Aka the movie buff. She's probably seen 1000 more movies than you, don't hesitate to ask her for suggestions! A hardened professional of a job well done, she is always there for her team. She is THE person to have on a road trip, she will make every moment full of great discussions.